I not only press like on this article, but I whole heartedly believe the practice must be stopped, not only because it destroys a human being, but in the long run will seriously harm the whole of our society. When I look at the whole global scene, human rights are being flouted more in the West than in most other countries. Western governments spend a lot of their energy condemning others, with very little evidence, or even with outright lies. I advise the West to leave it to the UN and Amnesty International etc to reveal human rights abuse. In fact the UN has condemned Australia, and Australia has banned the UN from inspecting our prisons.
I not only press like on this article, but I whole heartedly believe the practice must be stopped, not only because it destroys a human being, but in the long run will seriously harm the whole of our society. When I look at the whole global scene, human rights are being flouted more in the West than in most other countries. Western governments spend a lot of their energy condemning others, with very little evidence, or even with outright lies. I advise the West to leave it to the UN and Amnesty International etc to reveal human rights abuse. In fact the UN has condemned Australia, and Australia has banned the UN from inspecting our prisons.